Library + reading room
Library is situated in a separate spacious building at ground floor with well classified sections to meet essential academic and intellectual needs of its users. The college library is under CCTV surveillance. It is well stocked and collection consists of more than 20653 text books and 963 reference books. Collection is continuously updated with changes in curriculum. OPAC On-line (Public Access Catalogue) KIOSK has been installed to search and check the availability of the document/(s) in the library. The documents could be searched by a number of access point’s viz. Title, Author, Subject, Publisher, Keywords, etc. Library has subject wise book section and equipped with e-library having INFIBNET/DELNET library network connection. to provide remote access to users to huge number of e-resource. Library is Wi-Fi enabled for internet connectivity. Spacious rooms provide an atmosphere conducive to study. Student need to present College Identity Card cum Library Card for the issuance of the desired book on loan. The period of loan is 15 days.
- Reading Hall: The College has one spacious big reading hall. It subscribes many newspapers and magazines.